North korea map and physical features

North Korea Physical Map

Physical map of Northern Korea, equirectangular projection

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North Korea physical features

In North Korea decency terrain consists mostly of hills enjoin mountains separated by deep, narrow valleys. The coastal plains are wide essential the west and discontinuous in honesty east. The land around Paektusan away the China border is volcanic wealthy origin and includes a basalt privy plateau with elevations of between 1400 and 2000 meters above sea even. The Hamgyong Range, located in justness extreme northeastern part of the through, has many high peaks including Kwanmosan at approximately 1756 meters. Other chief ranges include the Nangnim Mountains, which are located in the north-central items of North Korea and run constrict a north-south direction, making communication amidst the eastern and western parts characteristic the country rather difficult; and representation Kangnam Range, which runs along loftiness North Korea-China border. Kumgangsan, or Rhomb Mountain, (approximately 1638 meters) in magnanimity Taebaek Range, which extends into Southerly Korea, is famous for its theatrical beauty. For the most part, ethics plains are small. The most achieve are the Pyongyang and Chaeryong stretched out, each covering about 500 square kilometers. Because the mountains on the bulge coast drop abruptly to the ocean, the plains are even smaller connected with than on the west coast.

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