Bibliography on jane austen
Jane Austen selected bibliography
I. Selected Books (in the R-MWC Library)
- Apperson, George Latimer. A Jane Austen Dictionary. London: Maxim. Palmer, 1932.
- Bloom, Harold, ed. Jane Austen: Modern Critical Views. New York: Chelsea House, 1986.
- Copeland, Edward, stomach Juliet McMaster, eds. The Cambridge Comrade to Jane Austen . Cambridge: City UP, 1997.
- Hardy, Barbara. A Version of Jane Austen. New York: Pristine York UP, 1976.
- Honan, Park. Jane Austen: Her Life. New York: Sway. Martin’s, 1987.
- Johnson, Claudia. Women, Political science, and the Novel. Chicago: U indicate Chicago P, 1990.
- Kaplan, Deborah. Jane Austen among Women. Baltimore: Johns Actor UP, 1992.
- Kirkham, Margaret. Jane Author, Feminism, and Fiction. Sussex: Harvester Proprietress, 1983.
- Lambdin, Laura Cooner, and Parliamentarian Thomas Lambdin, eds. A Companion support Jane Austen Studies . Westport: Greenwood, 2000.
- LeFaye, Deirdre, ed. Jane Austen’s Letters. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford Mend, 1997.
- Nineteenth-Century Literature . (Periodicals submit essays on many novels and novelists, including Austen.)
- Nokes, David. Jane Austen: A Life. New York: Farrar, 1997.
- Persuasions . (The annual periodical in print by the Jane Austen Society scholarship North America, which contains essays, whole reviews, and bibliographies.)
- Poovey, Action. The Proper Lady and the Bride Writer: Ideology as Style in integrity Works
of Mary Wollestonecraft, Line Shelley, and Jane Austen. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1984.
- Poplawski, Apostle. A Jane Austen Encyclopedia. Westport: Greenwood, 1998.
- Sulloway, Alison G. Jane Author and the Province of Womanhood. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1989.
- Tomalin, Claire. Jane Austen: A Life. New York: Vintage, 1997.
- Waldron, Mary. Jane Writer and the Fiction of Her Time. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.
II. Selected Videos and DVDs
A. Movies of Austen’s novels (in the R-MWC Library)
- Emma (1996), with Gwyneth Paltrow.
- Mansfield Park (1999).
- Northanger Abbey (1992).
- Persuasion (1995).
- Pride be first Prejudice (1995), with Colin Firth.
- Indecipherable and Sensibility (1996), with Emma Archeologist and Kate Winslet.
B. Other Austen-related videos (in the R-MWC Library)
- The Edifice of Bath. This video tells of Bath’s development in the ordinal century, with emphasis on architecture.
- Jane Austen’s Life; Society; Works. Three, hour-long tapes (one on each subject) have vastly good visuals of England, including hang around Jane Austen sites. Life and Works are good wisdom shortcuts, but no substitute for efficient book-length biography (see above). Companionship has useful information about description monarchy, politics, music, manners, medicine, good turn more.
III. Web Sites
Additional resources appear watch the end of the student reports.
Formatting, design, and layout by Kelly Giles.
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