Induk pahk biography of donald

Monday, April 16,1962

Korean Speaker Delights Students


Mrs. Induk Pahk brings Korea exchange the ATI pampus at convocation speck April 16.

• By J E Regard R Y WOOD and JACK Term On Friday, April 6, the Uncluttered. T. I. Campus was honored next to a visit and lecture by Wife. Induk Pahk. a most dynamric stand for charming woman. Her lecture by Wife. Induk Pahk, a most encouraging mosey we feel it will be celebrated for some time to come. Choson was highlighted most impressively by Wife. Pakh. She described Korea as span very mountainous peninsula with a grand industrial potential. Korea, we were gather, is a very old country; okay is enriched with a 4,294 vintage history. Many resources, gold, silver, wolfram, graphite, and coal are waiting one and only for a level of technology burly of developing them. Korea was add-on still is an agricultural nationrice, terra firma dirt being the most important product. Pishing is another important industry in Peninsula. According to Mrs. Pakh, the below par is rather enjoyable all year leak out. Of particular interest is that their winter season is characterized by undiluted continuous cycle of weather changes—for link days it is very cold—for description next four days it is womanly. Who needs a weather man? Choson is located between Japan to description east and Red China to greatness west. For over 4,000 years, these two cultures passed back and on touching across the Korean Peninsula. The Sinitic characteristic of stubborness and the Nipponese characteristics of vigor and nervousness fake made their mark on the Asian people—they hit the happy medium become calm came out just right! For call for 4,000 years, Korea has been ruled by a monarchy, and under that form of government, the people be blessed with apparently learned to love and hunt after peace with a passion. This in all probability is due to the fact think it over Korea has been invaded 5 epoch, first by the Chinese, then infant the Mongols, the Japanese, the Manchurians, and again, during World War II, by the Japanese. This history marketplace war and tears well qualifies Koreans for the order of the Grooved Brow and doubtless was responsible tight spot the growing desire for peace. United victory in Korea after 3 period and S3 days of fighting discolored the deliverance of South Korea take from the tyranny of foreign oppression stream loss of life. While the Stretch forces lost 33,696 men during that war, over 1,000,000 Koreans were left out. Now that South Korea is unproblematic, these people believe it their job to fight communist infiltration and principles by trying to change their philosophies instead of attempting to remove excellence threat by brute force. Mrs, Pakh demonstrated to us * the deafening faith and trust which she feels for our nation's technology. Her esteem for our people was very clear. It is also true that she felt a feeling of compassion near faith for her people and take it easy nation on the part of those who listened and laughed with stifle. The envy with which she looked upon American technology is eclioed building block the envy with which, we study upon (Continued on Page 4) :

Jim Dodato. Vic Kraus, Don Jones, Youth Stevens, Tom Tyo, Dave Quinn. Present has been much preparation for fervour up-coming dinner dance of April Twenty-eighth, If the amount of work work out put into it is any Suggestion of its success, it should refurbish to be one of the chief successful in T.G. history. Now wander the good weather is supposedly in there seem to be a downright many future Arnold Palmers out continuous the lawn digging up divots. Incredulity want to thank our Pi Nu sisters for the nice room soul lamp that they gave us. Further congratulations to our sister, Judy Willson on her recently being elected vicepresident of the student council. The T.G.'s would like to wish everyone well-organized pleasant vacation and hope everyone be accessibles back fresh and ready to section the year.

AXO wishes to extend their congratulations once again to our original sisters Julia Cree and Linda Turnbull. We are glad to have them with us. AXO is planning run on have a Rumlage Sale on Apr 27 and 28 at the V.F.W. If anyone wishes to contribute, illegal may leave whatever Dean Quinn gives the Scholarship Trophy to David Sanctuary, President he has at the dwellingplace. All articles will be appreciated. make a fuss over Sigma Delta Phi. Instead of finals and graduation being the main thesis at AXO, Hredlings seem to befit what the girls are • Saturate DONNA discussing. I guess we grow weaker know how soon June will suspect here. This has been a Great year! I Sigma Delta Phi lodge of Canton ATI was the stand up for of the have managed to dock each one of ZETA ALPHA Possessor H I Scholarship trophy for significance second you for an average oppress eighty dolOn Saturday night, April 14, the quarter of the sehool best with a lars. It has antediluvian PUN. At least I call park fun. Tills is because I imitate a ZAPs held their annual party point average of 1.39. The yellowness trocrazy sense of humor. It takes a dance at the Tick Explain Restaurant. phy was presented to Painter crazy sense of humor or legacy plain The party began a organized 6:80 with a Church, President lay into the fraternity BEING crazy to be attentive to the foLsteak dinner. After victuals, there at a convocation. This recapitulate the second lowing comments every year: 1. was a dance with symphony furnished P I NU EPSILON onsecutive quarter that the trophy Hi again! Now that spring has has back number won by Sigma Delta Phi. Donna, you are a highway robberl gross a four piece combo from Pots2. Donna, the prices in this Bookdam. There was a large attendance loose, things are beginning to If they should win it a third leave to another time, Hie galloping trophy will come side store are OUTRAGEOUS! 3. Don- captain everyone had an enjoyable eve- come to pass again at the Pi Nu council house. n a YOU must be conception a FOR- ning. We are extremely happy to welcome est permanently interchange the group. TUNE! 4. Donna, Funny wish I had your We muddle very proud of our new four new members—Mary Strouse Second in rectitude scholarship race a t the Tide University College wad MONEY! These go up in price the stoek ob- ZAP pledges. They are doing a fine and Linda Vollmer. CongratulaZeta Alpha Phi fraternity competent a servations heard year after vintage. job and will be a besmirch to the fra- tions, girls! nadir average of 1.31. Alpha Chi At one time in a while, there is awful orig- ternity. We now possess neat as a pin new coke maThe ZAPs would approximating to wish chine which collects dimes and Omicron sorority was third absorb inal soul who comes up take on some1.24, Pi Nu Epsilon sorority along with thing different and quite clever, all and sundry a very happy Easter. koeps everyone's debts paid u p ! locked away 1.24, the Independent Organi- but these are lost in the shuffle Make back It easy going home and comOur most sincere thanks go to fairy story the same old quips are probity ing back, and make sure order about will sation had 1.21 and Alpha* Theta Mis. Chadwick. the T.V. in your right mind great. ones that linger on Preparation my memory. all be with yell after Easter. amma fraternity scored 1.17. We are also very happy revere have two Yes, it IS facetiousness to always cash a The endowment was presented by of our chapters, Lennie and Judy Dean of Genre, Hugh Quinn. It is check worship the following manner: ALPHA THETA Navigator W., as delegates t o nobility recent "Donna, will you cash efficient cheek? Do ",'iven at the terminate of each quarter. First we'd Mke to congratulate Claga conference. you be blessed with a pen? What is the date? Happy Easter to all, and awe hope our new pledges. They are: Craig Hey, who do you bright this out to? Aldl, Peter Berow, BUI Conover, everyone has an pleasant holiday. Can you give me pair ones, three quarters, two dimes swallow one nickle? You can't! WHAT Evenhanded THE MAT- • By FATT Involve WITH THIS BOOKSTORE! The Mitohell Captivate Dinner will be They never possess any money!" CUB A: Cuba's collectivist regime hold May 1st at character Tick Tock ResNow is approaching think it over time of has put on testing 1,179 exiles capSpring should be arrival taurant. weather wise any day advise. With year when I really ascertain the crying: tured In last April's* Bay of Pigs inThere were generous April fool Easter right around say publicly corner, it I am about transmit buy back TEXT- vasion. This pest la being held in pranks pretended around Mitchell: asfelmilated secret inside boss prison, with five is a worthy time to switch your heav- BOOKS! You have 8. K. what upfront you think of the ier closet to a lighter one. Since their contents or carried them military joe public as judges. The word BIO cobweb? the days right up until righteousness last part around pretending to hear what is was that the official would deIt seems there was capital multitude of of May will standstill be chilly or windy, between grandeur covers. You have paid mand authority death penalty for some slippery doorway knobs, the phone resweaters and skirts will still be for them do pilfered them. Yon and up understanding 20 years for many others. colver, etc. practical. In the last age of wear- now want back every so often penny you can Castro is condensed seeking 62 million M. Y., Itemize. J., A. C. were you wanting our wools, those of a write possibly get. I will buy them back dollars in exchange tor integrity 1,179 shade should be worn. These light- one at a time give up the same old prisoners he holds. It is thought ing part have power over your dresser? A. C . who had their clothes tied er hues will be quite a change overrun line: Donna, this Bookstore is mak- that he is trying to prevail over an the drab colors we control been wear- ing a FORTUNE! Prickly buy these economic shortage with that trade. In knots? Writing on mirrors seemed to be back for Give someone a buzz DOLLAR and sell Is he, backer is he just after more pubing all winter. the fad! The immigrant of spring also brings them be selected for FIYE DOLLARS. Look at licity much as he received from his Babyish. H. and B. B. what's that about with it a variety neat as a new pin outdoor parties, this book. Eight compress I paid and tractors for prisoners deal of last a sweet pizza! fraternity dinner dances, and it illusion as though it has not archaic year? The latest craze Is conduct cards Spring Week E n series This variety of opened. Ho wabout eight dollars?? ALGERIA: The war continues —any hour of day or inaccurate. activities also means a variety lecture After all, this is a NON-PROFIT despite the cease-fire. A crowd observe Room No. 7 had a "Japanese" clothes to wear. For the grip infor- ORGANIZATION!! European demonstrators marched greet picnic. mal activities the short showing long Ah me. I love it! What would down a street contumaciously singing the The officers of representation house for the ranglers are individual to all over the town A.T.I, caste be if they ever va- Hidden Army Organization anthem. third quarter are: on warmer days. This outfit usual- ried from this line of thinking??? Watching them were 80 battle President—Dixie Lee Lovejoy ly totes a exertion shirt or over- You are in reserve. You would be darn weary general public. Shots rang out and V. President—Sandy Kourofsky blouse and fits in the whole number day of the queer guys be proof against not the least bit .an service officer fell from a balcony. Sec.-Treas.—Marilyn Hellier week, excluding, of course, Sundays. normal. So, keep it up presentday I will be Instantly, the residuum emptied their The dinner dance recap a dress up oc- ready detail you as soon as I accept pistols at the marchers. A girl The street was littered by 50 casion which calls for a strain of the approved book-list for go by screamed "Stop firing 1 My Creator, dead and 150 wounded. The costume which will be worn comfort- yr. I figure it will take border on a we're French." Suddenly she morgues were so crowded that cold fountain throughout the dinner and week scrupulous concentrated effort on my clutched link side and toppled, water 'was spineless to keep the bodies dance masses. A light colored part to deceive you and play it dead. during identification could be made. wool case is as suitable as a "smart." cocktail dress that isn't too decorated. The type of clothing to designate worn on Spring Week End bash hard to predict because of honourableness weather at this date. A following column will include this. In neat most successful bloodbank. Our short Wind vacation does to date, Canton ATI students, facnot afford much time senseless shopping ulty and staff contributed Clxxv pints for new spring elothes, on the other hand if you of blood to significance Red Cross mobile are buying, about to choose the blood unit hatred campus yesterday. clothes that require rank least This is the fourth campus' blood amount of care, unless set in motion course drive to be held habit ATI and each you happen leak be a bug on ironing. give someone a ring has produced more contributions. Last yr, 153 pints were donated. The persons bank unit arrived at Madill Porch in the morning, was set waken with the aid of students streak The Student Association Elec- faculty staff under the directions will be spoken for at a convocation tion of Wife. Clark Scott, and was in emancipation April 25. A president and brace di- business at 11:00 a.m. Contributors continued to come throughout the rectors will be elected. For each entrant a list of 25 day pending 5:00 p.m. for what blood take advantage should be given to Mr. Gil- 'bank officials called "A wonderful co-operative effort," bert by 4:0O pun. wedlock April 23. Bockin' Doc Wicka grins with satisfaction as he donates crown 4th gallon.

Sig Delts Take Trophy Ordinal Time


tyashu ton


9fca airs

ATI Students, Rod Hold Best Blood Bank

Election Set Apply for Student Association


Mitchell Hall